How to make new Bellows.
Tony Walters is an English collector who want to share how he makes new bellows for the Puff Puff train.
Hello Joop hope this will help with bellows for Puff Puff trains.
Below are some pictures of how I do it. First I get a 50mm rubber bellows to fit the tow hitch of a caravan or trailer.
I got mine off eBay at a cost of less than £15.
As you can then see I cut the flange end of one end of the bellows then cut it down to 3 bellows sections.
This will leave you with a bellows that has 2 cut ends in the widest end you have to glue the bellows plate that comes from the wheels ( see the black arrow at the picture below).
You need to leave for 24 hours so the glue sets?( I used evostik glue)
After this it is just a matter of fitting the narrow end over the plate of the train.
DO NOT GLUE THIS END as it makes a good seal on its own.
Refit to the Puff Puff and you have working bellows again .
I have done this a least a dozen times now and it has allways work for me.
If anyone has any problem getting hold of bellows to convert, I would be happy to supply them with one as the place.
Where I get them from, will only post in UK. Hope this will be of help to all out there.
Tony thank you, much appreciated!